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Q?What is the Google Mobile First Indexing


Nearly every consumer-facing sector has been expanding into mobile-based forms of product and revenue the past few years. Mobile has increasingly grown as part of Google’s traffic and revenue base.

Google Search has just made, after testing, a major shift to mobile over desktop by indexing mobile web-pages in it primary search index rather than as a separate index.

While Google has slowly been expanding into sectors such as cloud, advertising through networked properties and especially search remains the overwhelming bulk of its revenue.

Any change to search will therefore have major implications on the company, which has seen mobile now grow to a majority of its search revenue and traffic.

Though damage to desktop revenue is possible, the expected growth in the mobile sector & Google’s dominant market share there means Google will be well-positioned now to capture that growth.

It was recently announced that Google (GOOG) (GOOGL) has made a major commitment to mobile by announcing that it will be indexing mobile versions of websites in its primary index, rather