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Generate Leads with 59-Second Content: Still Too Busy?

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Creating Content in 59 Seconds

Think generating leads and building trust takes too much time? Intec, a leading home improvement company in Milwaukee, spent just 59 seconds creating engaging content. Yes, you read that right – 59 seconds. If you can’t spare that, you might be busier than the President!

The Daily Job Briefing Line: A Simple Solution

Intec didn’t perform a miracle; they simply used the Daily Job Briefing Line. Jaime Hurtado, president of Intec, took 59 seconds to report on their daily activities. Here’s how it worked:

  • Made the Call: Jaime called the Daily Job Briefing Line.
  • Shared Updates: He provided quick updates about their work and community involvement.
  • Resulted in Content: This short call was transformed into a detailed, engaging blog post.

Read the full article here: Milwaukee Home Improvement Leader Intec Shines at Republican National Convention Leadership Meeting.

How to generate leads in 59 seconds

This Voicemail was created in its raw form. Even if words are spelled wrong, it gets corrected by AI (sorry Jaime)

Efficient and Impactful

  • Minimal Effort: It requires minimal effort to make a quick call. Seriously, you’ve probably spent more time deciding what to have for lunch.
  • Builds Authority: Sharing updates about your work and community involvement builds trust with your audience. Regular updates show you know what you’re doing.
  • Generates Leads: Engaging content attracts potential customers and builds your reputation. Leads don’t grow on trees, but they might grow from a 59-second call.

How You Can Do It Too

  • Schedule a Daily Call: Set aside one minute each day to call the Daily Job Briefing Line. If you can’t find a minute, maybe it’s time to rethink your schedule.
  • Share Your Work: Provide quick updates about your projects and community involvement. It’s not rocket science, it’s just talking about what you already do.
  • Let Us Do the Rest: We’ll turn your brief updates into engaging content that attracts leads and builds your authority. You do the talking, we do the writing.

My Final Thoughts

Intec’s experience shows that creating quality content doesn’t have to be time-consuming. By spending just 59 seconds on a daily call, you can generate content that builds trust, attracts leads, and enhances your reputation. If you’re too busy for that, maybe you’re just too busy to succeed.

Stop making excuses and start making content. It’s easier than you think. If Intec can do it in 59 seconds, what’s your excuse?


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